Earthkids Humanity Foundation is a Not For Profit Organization, registered under Section 25 of the old Companies Act, 1956, (now known as section 8 of as per new Companies Act 2013)
Company Identity Number U85191UP2013NPL055213 ( 2012 -13) incorporated under Section 25 of the Companies Act 1956 (No. 1 of 1956) at ROC Kanpur on Twenty Second day of February Two Thousand Thirteen.
After completion of more than dozen of projects in rural areas, now foundation is looking forward to work in different states of the India for different sections of societies.
Foundation believes in the principle of 3Es. First “E” stand for initiatives to be taken for protecting the Environment. Second “E” stands for providing quality education to the children living in unreachable and remote locations of India and third “E” stands for creating Entrepreneurial awareness among the rural youth to earn bread and butter, rather than running behind the jobs.
All the initiatives being taken up by the Foundation are voluntarily. Foundation believes in involvement of communities in bringing the change by 3Es (Engage, Enable and Empower). Foundation has a vision to strengthen the NATION by strengthening the FAMILIES.
We invite you, your suggestions, your support for making it to happen.
Let us get together for a better tomorrow, Let us walk together for a New India.
In order to achieve our mission “To strengthen the Nation by Strengthening Each Family”. Earthkids Humanity Foundation emphasize on one of the most favorite mantra given by bapu jee (Father of Nation Mahatma Gandhi) "BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD" Adopting inside - out approach, Foundation is working at the roots of the societies for creating awareness with respect to Environment, Education and Entrepreneurship (EEE) in rural and remote areas.
In addition to EEE, Foundation also responses to the disasters / natural calamities by involving the communities, we are working with.